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Sun Explodes Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024

Scientist Says UNLESS PREVENTED SUN EXPLODES July 16, 2024

There is overwhelming "objective" proof that UNLESS we act to Prevent it, Earth dies on July 16, 2024.

Why & How
It started with a theoretical prediction in February 1991. Why Earth has a conservation debt, theory and evidence. My first and astonishingly absolute confirmation of my thought experiment came after talking with Gerald Hawkins, a world famous geometric mathematician on February 10, 1992 about his article Geometric Harvest in the February 1, 1992 Science News. He had demonstrated that several of the early crop circles were elegant proofs of geometric theorems never before published on Earth.

The Barbary Castle circle pictured on the SN cover was one of them, the first large complex circle. It was a picture of Earth being vaporized in exactly the way I had predicted.

I was ecstatic, eye witness confirmation from a most unexpected source, only E-Ts could have seen these events; 30 seconds later I remembered what planet I was standing on. I became less ecstatic.

It took me three days to deduce that since we created our conservation debt unconsciously, then theory implied we could prevent it consciously. I have been warning you for over twenty one years since February 15, 1992.

How did I deduce theoretically why we life forms must create a conservation debt made of A-M?
Best too start at the beginning. In 1985 I discovered what the personal "Objective Measure of Value" is that all spirits(yes we can "objectively" prove we are) must use to keep their life forms alive. I deduced that in a conserved universe when we spirits make our bodies move then we will necessarily create a conservation debt made of Anti-Matter. A conserved universe meant we must eventually repay the debt.

By February 1991 I had worked out a theoretical model of how this conservation debt worked. I assumed we had put the A-M debt as far as possible away from us, so it arrives at the last possible second from the other side of the Sun. This meant the Sun was between Earth and it, thus it must hit the Sun on the way back to Earth, making it explode vaporizing Earth. I had no evidence of any kind, then on February 10, 1992 in the February 1, 1992 Science News I saw absolute proof of my prediction as applied to Earth with a date included.

Over the subsequent years I have found overwhelming published objective evidence for every single causal step in this theoretical model.

We are real spirits with objective physical properties that enable us to create and move our life forms around. Doing that is not free which is not a surprise.

Every base theoretical causal link predicting these events has been confirmed by published reports from our own astronomers and astrophysicists.

This theory premises that these real spirits are based upon a Moebius strip geometry, and that the spirits of all living planets including Earth must create a conservation debt made of Anti-Matter when they cause their life forms to move. These spirits are called souls by the religious. Our bill has come due.

6-18-2012 Good news on how long it takes to confirm the conjunction shown in the 'Missing Earth" crop circle: Prof. David Aguilar, Harvard Univ. Astronomy Dept. Minor Planet Center said that, 'given known asteroids we can confirm their locations within two days.' Ergo, we can confirm the asteroid conjunction shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle in time. How to determine which asteroids are shown in the Missing Earth crop circle. The method used to show which asteroids are in the circle is gorgeously elegant.
Second piece of good news Why do Anti-Matter particles in cosmic rays mean easy disconnection?

7-03-12 Predictions:
1. The time indicated by the "two large asteroid conjunction" shown in the Missing Earth crop circle(Longwood-Warren) will be July 16, 2024 at about 12:21:19 AM UTC, 26 minutes before 12:47: AM UTC July 16, 2024, the time Earth is struck by the Gamma Blast Ray from the our A-M debt hitting the Sun. Since this conjunction can not be natural, thus someones that obviously could not be us, caused it. An unnatural conjunction is conclusive confirmation we are being warned by E-Ts.

crop circle connector archives.

How do we prevent our Sun from exploding?

Our astronomers can quickly verify this non-natural conjunction. How to find the 2 conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

Expand on. Crucial. Should this conjunction occur at 26 minutes before xx:xx UTC July 16, 2024, then we will know exactly when our conservation debt made of Anti-Matter appears on Earth's orbit on the other side of the Sun, and prevention is possible.

Again, under either circumstance, our astronomers must verify the conjunction shown in the Missing Earth circle. Here is How to find the 2 conjunction asteroids shown in the "Missing Earth" crop circle.

What Must Be Done

1. How do we stop this destructive political behavior?
2. Regular citizens, you face a choice. You act like suckers who enjoy being skinned. We live in a 3MS, that can only mean you have elected to be skinned, conscious or not, since each of you has an equal vote. Not enforcing Strict Liability on sworn leaders ain't free as you will soon see. These facts make the N1CL essential to electing governments that ensure Liberty and Justice for All.
Choose to demand we do these Gravity tests and send some leaders to jail or choose death for all.
3. No real political choice in USA as our present two political parties in USA are well bought and paid for.
4. We need a Strict Liability for leaders party to clean house in Washington DC so we can select a Captain to run our disconnection.
5. Someone must be made actual Captain in charge of Earth's disconnection from our A-M debt by the United Nations. Then we must lay down our arms and consciously work to save all of us. We must do this in public, we do not have time for secrecy. Our leaders must release all information about E-Ts they now keep hidden from us, a tiny fact could make all the difference.

A captains first job is to explain the dangers we face and then get your political cooperation in anticipating them, so we can avoid or prevent them. To do this a Captain must keep the peace and see to it sworn leaders are prosecuted for committing felonies while in office after we first do a general amnesty. We don't have time to settle old scores. To do this disconnection, we must start with a clean slate. July 16, 2024 is coming on fast. Wake up and smell the roses. I am not sending this warning out again.

The second part of this show and tell, the whats, whys, and hows begins just below.

The Warnings

Every major causal link in this theory has been verified in scientific reports by our astronomers and solar physicists including those reports that prove prevention has been done before. Theory and evidence.

Over 500 ex government, military, and intelligence community witnesses are testifying that our governments are concealing information and captured E-T technology necessary to prevent this explosion.

This means our political leaders Publicly MUST declassify all the secret information and technology they hold about E-Ts.

Could we get another E-T warning like a Summation crop circle? Very unlikely, we already have all the info from them we need, but What a Summation crop circle warning would look like.

There are four possible ways of preventing our A-M debt from striking the Sun on July 16, 2024.

The first and 100% reliable way is that over 50% of the multi-cellular biomass on Earth die within the last year, preferably in the last six months.

The second way is an implication of the first. When over 50% of the large life forms on Earth lie down and stop moving just before the event, then that stops A-M particles from going to conservation debt, simulating the 50% die off method. Getting that high a percentage of large life forms to do that will not be easy, but it is possible. For all methods, it could make the marginal difference. Lying down is easy to do.

Third, our only sure chance is for us to do a disconnection is using the "drop FTL ships down the wormhole" method on July 16, 2024 at literally the last second. That way requires our political leaders to release the E-T ships, propulsion systems, and technology the over 500 Disclosure Project witnesses say say the USA is keeping secret from us before July.

Four, A big if, there is a chance we can send a FTL ship and hit A-M debt before last second, but that is only a hunched theoretical possibility and requires technology that is probably a jump to far for us on such short notice.

We need these ships to do a disconnection since with the confirmation of how G ties to c with the three Gravity tests we can deduce WHAT NAVIGATION COORDINATE SYSTEM THE E-Ts MUST USE TO GUIDE THEIR BLINK-SHIPS AT FASTER THAN LIGHT. Yes FTL is possible and it does not violate the speed of light, there is away around that limit when you know where to look geometrically.

We still have time to prevent our conservation debt from striking our Sun, given these five things:

1. Disclosure Project witnesses claims that the USA government has captured E-T blinkships = capable of Faster Than Light travel,
2. We have figured out the basic Faster Than Light coordinate system for our universe which gives us FTL navigation,
3. and we have a good idea when and where our conservation debt will appear.
4. A No 1st Cost List, getting all necessary information out, pooled in one place where everyone can add, check, verify, and coordinate what needs to be done absolutely requires a real working Public Place.
5. A Captain to run the show. My prediction, my warning, my method of disconnection, time is short, I propose I run the disconnection.

Should all five of these things be true then we still have a chance, a slim one, to prevent our Sun from exploding. We need everyone's public help to prevent this danger to all. Maybe when enough of you rub our leaders nose in this warning, it will cause our political leaders to act fast in public.

Register to Question, Challenge, Disagree, Comment, and Help!

Crucial STOP Sun Explosion ToDos

Stopping this conservation debt from hitting our Sun requires us to go Faster Than Light(FTL) which requires FTL navigation. When the asteroid conjunction in the Missing Earth circle shows ~ 26 minutes before sidereal anniversary date of first piece of Showmaker-Levy comet striking Jupiter then we can determine exactly when can determine precisely when our A-M debt will arrive. There is a very narrow disconnection window that lasts ~ .0025 second. Determining which two asteroids are in conjunction and when it occurs, means we can use the "drop a ship down the wormhole" disconnection method.

'Einsteins Missed Implication' TEST Shows Relativity's Base Reference Frame

How to go FTL shown by where light from your destination is.

Why we are objectively real spirits that create life forms

Why Earth Has A Conservation Debt, Theory And Evidence.

10-1-11 Why does Earth need a Captain? Earth faces certain death for all next July 16, 2012 unless something is done to prevent our Sun from exploding. This Front Page of the N1CL has developed in this form because none of you like to talk about Earth being vaporized. Absolutely no questions from a 'stranger', only practice ones from family and friends since April 2005 when this warning was first posted. My theoretical prediction was confirmed on February 10, 1992. By February 14, 1992 I deduced that the theory that made this prediction also directly implied we could prevent our Sun explosion, I have been warning us ever since. Now it looks like our disconnection is out of our hands, we can only try and save as many as we can. That requires willing political cooperation shown by the UN confirming me as Captain because I have a good idea of what we face. We need Full N1CL Members to get this done. Who wants to help?

On CL methodology. Any single Captain's Log(CL) entry is made over time until short to long term conclusions on " Any given Situation" are reached as relevant reports come in. One can be done in a day, another months. That implies more than one can be going on concurrently. Once done, I cut/n/paste them to the Captain's Log forum.

Latest Entry Captain's Log

Here is the heart of the List, the Q&A procedures.

They are how we question and answer one another on the record. These procedures are not for cowards. Below them are the two boxes that explain how anyone can become a member or post without cost with a message to all. Read and think.

Posted by Dan 2013-07-19 18:03:40
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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
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Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
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